I have been thinking a lot lately about this cycle and the possibilities of falling pregnant during this cycle. DH and I have been praying together each night while rubbing oil onto my belly (don't laugh) and we firmly believe that even if it doesn't happen right away, it will happen when the time is right. We also firmly believe in the anointment, which is done by salving a person with oil when praying for that person. Well, we have been praying for our baby and we know that the next pregnancy will be a healthy one.
So, I am on CD13 today and last night we did our anointing and prayers as usual, and then I turned on my side in bed and switched the light off. After about 30 seconds DH said to me: " Well I hope you don't think the Holy Ghost will come over you, because we still have to do the sex part". I just started to laugh. We have a planned schedule of intercourse around ovulation time and there I was ready to fall asleep, forgetting about the sex. It's actually amazing and goes to show how much I believe in the fact that God will bless us.
Okay, with all that said and done, if you read in Mark 11:22 you will see that the Bible says that we should believe as if we have already received what we have prayed for. I have tested this scripture before and it's true to my life, so on the weekend I will be going out to buy something for my baby. But, you aren't pregnant you might say, well, I am going to be pregnant soon and I can start buying something for my baby, because I have faith.
But, this has made me start to think about he pregnancy ahead. It's 40 weeks long. Do you know how long 40 weeks can be? 40 sounds short, but if I get my BFP this month it means little Mandy or Little Rikus will be born in early February. Next Year. In case you didn't quite hear me, I'll repeat: NEXT YEAR!!! That's so far away. But I guess it's part of the package and I am going to take it one tiny baby step at a time, with God on my side.
Edited to add:
A Biblical Overview of Anointing with Oil
To anoint means to rub or smear with oil, therefore,the act of anointing can be by either rubbing or smearing. Oil in the Bible is the physical representation of a spiritual reality. Hebrews 9:23-24 refers to such things as a type or "copy” of true things in the heavenlies. Anointing oil represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit or God's anointing and it can be used for:
Consecration – Anoint and pray setting people, children, homes, offices, etc. apart for God's purpose. In Exodus 30:25-29 and Exodus 40:9, Moses is commanded by God to anoint the tabernacle and it's furnishing "that they may be most holy." We are the tabernacle, the holy temple of God. Anoint and pray, asking God to make us "holy"
Impartation – Anoint and pray asking the power of God to come into your heart or the heart of a loved one. As when Samuel anointed David as king in 1 Samuel 16:13 imparting the power of the Holy Spirit The Bible says “the Spirit of the Lord was upon David from time forward."
Emancipation – Anoint and pray calling upon the Lord to set you free, Isaiah 10:27 tells us that the yoke, a symbol of the bondage and oppression of our enemies, will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
Preparation – Anoint and pray to prepare yourself and others for God's purpose. In Matt 26:6-12 a woman pours a fragrant oil upon Jesus' head as preparation for his death and burial.
In addition, anointing oil is used as a sign of joy (Isaiah 61:3, Hebrews 1:9,) and is to be used for joy when mourning has ended (1 Samuel 12:20-23) for readiness (Matthew 5:7-13), physical healing (Mark 6:13, James 5:14-15), adoration (Luke 7:16-30), to honor a guest (Luke 7:38,46), when preparing to meet the king (Ruth 3:3), for cleansing (Leviticus14: 15-18, Ezekiel 16:9), for burial Mark 14:8), medicine for wounds (Luke 10:34), for disease Jeremiah 8:22). To abstain from anointing with Oil is a symbol of mourning (2 Samuel 14:2).
Moses was commanded by God in Exodus 30:22-25 to use specific spices to make the anointing oil for the tabernacle. In a similar manner today, specific spices (Exodus 35:8), directed by God, are added to olive oil for specific purposes.
Apply the oil in the name of the Lord. Then in faith ask the Father to meet your needs and the needs of others. The power is His; the privilege to pray is yours.
I believe the same thing Mands! I started buying stuff before my second Ivf even started and I knew and believed that we would have our baby, and we were blessed with 2! Praying for you and your baby!
ReplyDeleteSweetheart, by the time I actually fell pregnant with Jordan, I didn't need a stork party! I had clothes, bedding, nappies... you get the picture. When I washed his clothes before he came, I couldn't help but smile, when I realised that not one item I bought was for a little girl. It seemed that God had guided me right from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI think that your ritual is beautiful, if for no other reason than that you still have faith, and that is an amazing quality considering what you and R have been through.
Please know that all of us are praying with you.
This is besides the point here but you are lucky you have a space to vloek and be real. My blog doesn't allow it, I said Fuck once and I got a visit from the pastors wife at 8.00 that night. Grrrr! Vok!
ReplyDelete(Ps, I am going to give you some perspective from the 'other' side having being a fertile sister to a VERY scary infertile sister.)
I so agree, go buy something for your baby that is waiting in the wings to come down to you and R. I think that is a brave step.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was pregnant last time I wanted to wait to 12 weeks to buy a pregnancy magazine, I wouldn't let myself?? Weird I know, but I wouldn't. But a month ago I thought let me do it, let me buy it and I did and realised how silly I had been (or something I knew without knowing not buying)
You are in my thoughts Mandy.