Thursday, May 28, 2009


AF still missing in action - Check

Boobs still sore - Check

Extreme Fatigue - Check

Slight Twitching in the Uterus - Check

Nausea - None

Mood swings - not really

All these symptoms seem to indicate either bad or good news. The good news being a BFP, the bad news being that I have imagined all them all and I am therefor certifiably crazy.

Will POAS on Saturday, have not done a HPT since Tuesday morning. Hopefully I can abstain from PAOS hell until Saturday.

Will keep you updated!
PS: Thanks to all you wonderful ladies who have been praying and hoping so hard for me. You girls keep me going. Here's to plenty of BFP's all around.


  1. I've had this little conversation with God for a few weeks now, and I'm pretty sure she's been listening.

    I know I shouldn't bargain, but I'm sure she'll make an exception this time, and tie a ribbon around a little angel to send to you.

    Plus I dreamt that I sent you a gift, a blue one!

    In the meantime, I'll keep asking Her.


  2. I am really really praying for you!

    I just want to cry when I think of other people falling pregnant! (Happy happy tears)

  3. Please please please send us another BFP!

  4. Hoping and praying for a little soul on its way to you!
