Monday, June 8, 2009


IF you read my other blog you will know that we had a great time in Clarens. I took 2 HPT's with and tested both mornings because we were having lots of wine and unusual food, and AF still hasn't shown so I wanted to make sure. Well no prizes for guessing the result: NEGATIVE.

At this point I have abandoned all hopes of a BFP and I am totally fine with it. I just want AF to show up so that we can get going with the next cycle. Will probably wait till Thursday or Friday, to do a beta (to make 100% sure) and the start 10 days of Provera to bring AF on.

Other than that my TTC life has been pretty boring, but at least we had fun sex instead of baby making sex over the weekend.

Hope you all have a wonderful week, and may there be lots of BFP's all around for those of you testing this week.


  1. FINALLY, some news. Good gracious girl, I've been holding my breath here.

    I'm so sorry it's not better though. I was really hoping for something to be happy about.


  2. I so want to cry! I was really hoping for you! i will keep praying!

  3. That cow AF! Never on time, arrives when you don't want to see her face, and stays away when you need her! Aaargrgh!

  4. Argh! Why does the stupid AF need to be so spiteful sometimes???

    I'm so sorry Mandy!
