Tuesday, June 23, 2009

TMI: Prison Break

Okay, everyone who doesn't want to know how Prison Break FINALLY ends STOP READING NOW!!!


They steal Scilla from Michael's mom and she then shoots Lincoln in the chest. He is bleeding out and she demands Scilla back. Meanwhile the general has kidnapped Sarah and he wants Scilla within an hour. Michael has to decide who to save. He tricks them both and saves Sarah and Linc. Sarah kills Michael's mother when she tries to kill Michael. Paul (from the 2nd season who tried to drown Sarah once and was the Vice President's lapdog) contacts them through one of the first season's Fox river eight and they sell Scilla to the United Nations for immunity.
They are all safe and free. Then it skips forward 4 years and they all gather around Michael's grave. Sarah has Michael's 3 yr old son with her. They have a little reunion and it ends. So you are left to wonder if Michael died from the brain tumor. Then there is a Final Break episode which starts just after they were set free. During Michael and Sarah's wedding she is arrested for killing Christina and she is sent to prison. In short the General wants her dead and he is in the male prison organising her death. Michael breaks into the prison to help her escape and he is killed. She gets out safely. You cry your eyes out.


  1. What, what, what, what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? That is the last episode EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm mortified! 'scuze me, I'm going to find a hole, to lay in, and cry a little.

  2. I got a bit tired of Prison Break, but shew, that is a hectic ending! Does that happen tonight Mands?

    Well, I have the latest on Greys Anatomy! hee hee!
