Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It's CD 36 and AF has finally arrived. Yay. One step closer to our next pregnancy. It also means I ovulated on CD 22 which is abit worrying, especially since I have PCOS and egg quality can become an issue. Oh, well, she's here now so I guess I should make her feel welcome.

I think AF might be knocking at the door

Yesterday morning as you all know I had a little rant about my blog address doing the rounds between family members near and far, and last night out of NOWHERE I had a good cry. I was perfectly okay one minute and bawling my eyes out the next. Later on when I settled into bed I realised that AF is on her way and that she has sent her tour guide (aka PMS) to clear the path for her. So now we wait patiently, but I already have some slight cramping, so I estimate her ETA to be tonight.

When I woke up this morning DH was sleeping in the guestroom. I asked what he was doing there and he said I snore too loudly for him. Pinocchio your nose is getter bigger by the minute was my only reply.

It's our official Month-end stock take tomorrow so we have to be at work a 5h45. That means I have to get up at 4H45. It's still dark at that time of the morning!! Have I ever told you how much I HATE getting up early? I truly HATE it. If I had to get up for my crying baby it would be totally different story altogehter or like getting up early to leave on holiday, but getting up that early for work is a mortal sin in my household. Well, all this complaining is just going to make it worse, so I better stop now.

I have also started on a new protein diet, and have I told you lately how hungry I am? I can eat a whole large pizza and a 2l coke right now! Martie, I so wish I had your job right now!!!!!! I have only been on the diet for 2 days, and it will get better, but damn I never knew I loved carbs so much. My heart is starting to race and my mouth is staring to water at the mention of food, so let's move on to another subject again.

To all the preggo girls reading my blog, there is a program called "Amazing births" on Zone Reality tomorrow afternoon at 13h45. I will not be tuning in because I will diligently be reading in endless stock figures, and we don't have PVR so I am going to have to miss out.

Newborn Pic of the day

Monday, March 30, 2009

A little bit of humour

Little Sally came home from school with a smile on her face and told her
mother, "Frankie Brown showed me his weenie
today at the playground!"

Before the mother could raise a concern, Sally went on to say, "It
reminded me of a peanut."

Relaxing with a hidden smile, Sally's Mom asked, "Really small, was it?"

Sally replied, "No, Salty."

On to other matters...

Okay, enough about blogging privacy and blogging etiquette and onto other matters. AF is still overdue, so no surprise visits from her yet. I did another HPT last night and still negative, so no reason for her to be absent.

We also had SIL's daughter's 1st birthday party on Saturday and it was a bit hard for me at first, but I stayed cool, kept calm and didn't get all teary eyed and soppy, so it went okay. There were 6 children in total and it was hard to be celebrating her birthday when I once pictured myself attending the party with a huge belly and swollen feet. I sms'ed Maria throughout the afternoon and it helped me to a lot to talk to her. Especially when everyone else were talking about their babies most of the time. The party was low key, but with layed tables, lots of pink decorations and party favours and a gift for each guest. True SIL style. (refer to previous post about not elaborating too much).

When we came home from the party DH said he was feeling very "broeis" and that if AF was absent due to a pregnancy he would be very happy. (Please note this is the man who wouldn't come near me (sorry no pun intended) without contraception because THE WISE DR. F SAID TO WAIT 3 MONTHS!!) Shame, he is also feeling the loss and to see all his family and friends with babies is very hard for him too. We keep up a good front in front of all the in-laws but when we get home, we let go and we feel terrible, cheated and broken. I just sometimes get the slightest idea that some people enjoy seeing us hurt and they try to make it worse by kind of rubbing it in our faces, but lets leave it at that. Hear no evil, Speak no evil, See no evil.

I posted a pic above of the birthday girl sitting on another friend's lap. That's my arm in the background, for those of you who were wondering...HeHe. The other photo is SIL and her daughter and SIL's friend and her daughter.

Hope those of you who are pregnant (ex-FC gals) are not too uncomfortable yet!! There is not much time left.

Newborn pic of the day

Blogging gone bad

I have thought about this post a lot in the last couple of weeks. It seems that some of my readers have some objections to the kind of things I post here. First of all, I would like to say this: If it offends you, don't read it!!!! I have spoken to a few people about this when they have confronted me about my blogposts and then they just reason it away by saying "well, if you put it on the INTERNET it's not private and then you should be careful what you say"

Ladies and gentlemen I have news for you. This is BLOGLAND. If you are not a fellow infertile, or a fellow blogger, don't know blogging etiquette or are just lurking wishing to spy on me then get off my blog. If you don't ever comment or have something good to say then please disappear. This is not a tool for you to read all about my sadness, heartache, fears and private matters regarding my fertility. If you have been referred here by a family member and not by me myself you are not welcome. To the person who gave you this address I can only say you have deeply disappointed me. I trusted you with very sensitive and raw thoughts and feelings and you have made an advertising campaign out of it.
Please feel free to look at my blogging friends' blogs and please realise that we have a friendly, committed little group with integrity, and we use our blogs as a place where we can communicate with each other, write stuff we don't have the guts to say, and use it as a medium to grieve, heal, laugh, bitch, moan, curse and cry "OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE OF REAL LIFE".
Just because this is an Internet site doesn't mean that you can freely comment or judge anything I say in my own personal blog. If I didn't give you this address you would've have known about any of this. I gave it to YOU, not so that you could give it to anyone else. I can very easily make this blog password protected or export it to another address, so please if you wish to read my posts, and then question my thoughts and feelings in real life, DON'T.

I gave this address to AN ELECT FEW (People I love and people I know love me back), and asked them to keep it to themselves, but some people don't understand integrity. Some people think it's a nice conversational tool and give out the address left, right and centre. It is very sad. You have hurt me in ways you will never understand and you have taken something very special to me and corrupted it. You have made my grief and tears public to about everyone I know! This was my little place of sadness and grieving and I trusted you! I should have known this would happen.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I will be a good mother

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will be better. I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.

I have longed and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.
I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream.
My dream will be crying for me.
I count myself lucky in this sense that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see.
Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.
I will be a better mother for all that I have endured.
I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.
I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body.
I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.
I have prevailed. I have succeeded. I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort.
I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs. I listen. And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely.
I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard.
I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.
I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes, I will be a wonderful mother. ~Author Unknown

And the results are.... Drumroll please...

Negative! Sigh of relief (for the first time ever that I am relieved to have a BFN)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still a no show

Well, AF is still a no show and it is really starting to worry me!!!! So for entertainment's sake I decided to do a poll - Please see the poll in the sidebar and vote for what you think is the most likely scenario. Bare in mind the following facts:
  • I sometimes don't have regular cycles - but have been taking the glucophage which usually helps a lot to straighten them out.
  • I don't have any pms, cramps, or other AF symptoms, yet.
  • I am NOT supposed get be pregnant until June!!!
  • We used condoms every time
  • I was very sure that I had ovulation signs (slight pain on RHS and EWCM)
  • This is the first cycle after the first AF after the labour and D&C - so it's possible to be irregular, but then again that's what I thought last time when the exact same thing happened and it turned out that I was indeed pregnant

10 Things you might not know about me

In light of getting to know each other better I thought this would be something fun to do..

Here is a list of 10 things you might not know about me:

1. I studied Radiography (B.Tech. Rad) before studying B.Compt - so that means I can take an X-ray and with fair comprehension read a scan

2. I have had quite a few operations in my 29 years on earth including 1x Tonsilectomy, 1x Appendectomy, 1 x Wisdom teeth removed, 1 x Laparoscopy, 1x Lettz biopsy, 3 x D&C

3. I once smoked dagga while at Varsity - Sorry Mom, but it was more that ten years ago!!

4. I have read every Marian Keyes book ever written

5. I have weird taste in music - Here without you baby (Three Doors Down), Always (Bon Jovi),
Numb (Linkin Park) and most recently Pokerface (Lady Gaga) are just some of my favourites.

6. I love Bobotie - what can I say?

7. I like confrontation - this is not always a good thing

8. My mom and dad sometimes call me Mandy Mouse

9. I once had a belly ring in my younger, thinner days - it was peer pressure I guess..

10. I once had short black hair - again the peer pressure thing..

So there you have it! And I am tagging Martie, Tam, Paula, Nix, Eve, Natasha, Deidre & Irene to do the same on their blogs.

Have a nice day

Newborn Pic of the Day

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's Sad, Damnit!

I was looking at the preggo room on the new forum just now and a new mommy posted the most gorgeous pics of her twin girls born at 34 weeks. I sat looking at the photo's over and over again with the tears streaming down my face. I also want a baby. I want MY baby. I want her back!! I don't want to have to be pregnant again...

I have asked Melanie if I can post the pics of her babies here on the blog for you all to see and then you will see for yourselves why my heart just broke...

I have also been thinking a lot about posting a photo of Hayleigh here on the blog, but it seems to personal for me to do so. I would love to show you girls what she looked like, but I am also afraid that a dead-baby-photograph might scare some people or that some insensitive assholes (like those people from the previous forum) might make nasty comments. To me she was perfect in every way, but she was still dead, and you can see there is no life in the photo. I don't want people to destroy the memories I have of her, so maybe one day when I'm ready I'll post a pic for you.

This is getting irritating

I know you are getting a bit annoyed at me for posting about AF all the time but the bloody bitch hasn't shown yet and it is really starting to get on my nerves. I am afraid of what the reasons might be. It's either 1. I am pregnant or 2. my cycles have gone to shit (again) The thing that worries me a bit is that normally I am a bleeder. If my cycles are haywire then I tend to bleed for very long. In other words AF overstays her welcome and the arrives late the next month but this month it's totally different. She arrived on time last month and left again after 4 days. Now this month she doesn't even bother to show. I have chosen to stay in denial for a bit longer before resorting to a HPT. I don't know what I'll do if I see two lines, so for time being I am not even going there. We'll give her a few more days. The thing is I will be absolutely flabbergasted if it's the case because we mad use of the "rubber barrier" kind of contraception. I know it's not 100% safe, but after all we are infertile!! These things don't happen to us. We usually have to have the timing just right , the Low GI diet in order ,the perfect cycle, correct medications, the BD together with a certain time period of elevated hips, to even start hoping for AF to be late.
So I think I am fairly reasonable when I say it's impossible!! Or what do you think?

Newborn Pic of the Day

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Missing in Action

AF is still Missing in Action.

You better show up missy!! Or else.....

Newborn Pic of the day

Monday, March 23, 2009

AF, where are you?

AF is still absent. Making me a bit worried. But let's give her a few more days to show before we all get our garters in a knot... Just wish she would stop playing the fool already.
Was tempted to POAS but I am trying very hard to overcome that addiction.. And FYI we were very "SAFE", so she is just darn stubborn, the old hag!!


Hi there readers... sjoe it's been a hectic weekend. Had a lovely time with Maria and Johnny on Friday night. Really enjoyed it. So nice to spend time with people that understand the dark realms of infertility and pregnancy loss. We are going to have to do it more often.

Then on Saturday DH and I went to Wimpy for breakfast and also to the nursery for some fertilizer. While DH and his 2 brothers played cricket in a league at a school nearby, SIL and SIL's mom came and had cake. We also had the braai on Saturday night with family and friends.
We had a good time and I got lots of nice presents. Lucky me!

Then on Sunday my parents and the in laws had Sunday lunch at our house and I had to get out all the fancy plates and cutlery because it was the first time that the in-laws ever had a meal at our house (I know I am a bad DIL).

Other than that I don't really have much to report. We watched Wild Child on DVD last night and I quite enjoyed it. Colby has also all of a sudden decided he wants to sleep indoors again, so the winter is definitely approaching here in the Free State.

Oh yeah, there was a very heated debate on FC regarding the new Astrology room and, you guessed it, the "administrators" deleted the post. Why not close the post if you don't want people to fight? Why delete the post - It's because you know you are wrong!!

Thank God for the new forum. I must say I was rather sceptical about the new forum but I have found that is really and truly a much warmer, friendlier an non-biased environment. With loads of support and encouragement. Definitely does not have the kind of judgement and prejudice we experienced at FC. And at least we are entitled to our own opinions without having to conform to the administrators point of view or else...

Just really wish some of the old friends who are still stuck there would join us, but the poor things don't even know why we left. If you wish to join the new forum let me know (with your name and e-mail address) and I'll send you the details.


Newborn Pic of the day

Friday, March 20, 2009

Night out

Tonight we are having a little get together with my friend Maria and her DH. We will be going to Coobah for some cocktails (anything except mojito's or chardonnay) and dinner. I first "met" Maria on the web in the "pity party/ dark black hole" forum that I used to belong to, but we soon realized we live in the same town and then decided to meet each other in real life. You can basically say we met on a blind date (just after Hayleigh was born) so you can say she is my "online mistress" turned real life friend. We share somewhat of the same history regrading pregnancy loss and she is one of very few people that understand my rantings regarding infertility. Most people are horrified or dumbstruck when you speak to them about giving birth to your own dead baby, and some claim to understand "exactly" what we went through but fortunately Maria is someone who really understands exactly because she has been there. Twice. I look forward to meeting up with them and having a great time tonight. We just decided this morning that we feel like an outing, and I am glad because as you all already know it's my birthday tomorrow and I love going out/being spoiled for my birthday. It will be my last year in my twenties, so I should do all the partying now, because next year I will have to act all grown up and responsible. HeHe

So on to other news.....
I made a list the other day about what the so-called benefits are to not having children.

This is all I could come up with:

We get a full night's sleep each night

We can go out without worrying about a babysitter

We can sleep in over weekends

We can watch anything we like on TV

I can have alcohol because we aren't pregnant

We don't have to sterilise bottles or change nappies

We can go on holiday effortlessly

We can go away on a quick weekend getaway whenever we like

We don't have to buy toys and gifts for Christmas and Birthdays

We don't need to worry about discipline, teaching manners or developmental milestones

We save money on milk, baby food and nappies as well as daycare

We don't have to make trips to the paediatrician

We don't have to pay to vaccinate our child

I can get my body into shape without gaining anymore pregnancy weight

I can plan far ahead without worrying about becoming pregnant

I can work lots of overtime to further my career

I can do strenuous exercise

I don't have to worry about miscarrying

I don't have endless doctors appointments/bills to take care of

I don't have my child's safety and happiness at heart each day

You might ask what this list means, well the other day someone told me that maybe having children is not my destiny and that I should count my blessings. Well, if you look at the list above, I ask YOU dear idiot person, would you swop your children for this lovely list of fucking benefits/blessings? I did not think so.

Newborn pic of the day

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Going a bit too far

Okay, I know I am going on about FC, but seriously have you been there lately? Noticed any new tearooms? I am sorry but the whole pregnancy astrology thing is just ridiculous to me.
I mean really? Are you kidding me? Now we are going to start predicting our infertiles friends' futures by telling some of them they will get pregnant on x day of x month at x hour.
Apparently (see Tertia's blog) our paths have been laid out years ago (sound familiar???? i.e. God's plan - and she is an atheist) and that no matter how many IVF's or IUI's or M/C's you have, it will mean nothing because you were meant to fall pregnant on x day at x time. What BS if you ask me. And it gets even better - the woman charges money for each reading! And here I thought FC didn't support advertising and money making schemes on the boards. Silly me.

The drama (actually a comedy) still continues...

Hi ex-FC girls, I just got a message to say that all our signatures on our old posts have been deleted and that the word banned now appears under our Profile names... I went and checked it out, and it's true.

Yes, you guessed it. If they leave our signatures up it will lead the members to our blogs, and God forbid any FC memebr from reading about all this childish crap on our blogs. Some of the members have been asking around about our whereabouts, so most still don't know we have been banned. It's really getting funny now. How paranoid are you Super M???

Daily Newborn Babies

I have recently found some absolutely awesome photo's of newborn babies on the web and they are so beautiful that I decided to share one of them with you each day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Almost thought you left me...

I nearly had a heart attack just now!

I signed in to write a post about something else and saw that all the blogs I follow went missing. I logged off, logged on again and still nothing. Impossible? How would I get all my links back? What am I going to do all by myself in blogland?

Luckily when I signed in again just now, all the important blogging friends were still there - Shame man, feel sorry for me, I almost thought you were all gone! Don't ever leave me alone in here again!

PS: Speaking of lonesome self - What I was going to say was that I just checked out the member's list on "the new Forum" - don't want to mention the name, because I seem to have a few stalkers (you bastards - you know who you are), but WOW, I am amazed that so many girls from "the old Forum" (you who are still there, are missing out) have joined us. Seems the "Super (M)" bitches over there are losing a lot of members. Shame man. One of these days you will be all by your lonesome selves. (Sipping Martini's and Chardonnay and getting dronk verdriet)

The Lowest Moment

The Lowest Moment

By Brenna Thibault

B asked whether I might like to accompany him on a few errands. His tone was casual — but I could see in his eyes that he knew what he was asking of me. To dress in clothing more structured than pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, to get in the car and leave our house, to willingly go somewhere I might encounter people, actual PEOPLE. This was asking a lot. I considered claiming agoraphobia and becoming homebound for the rest of my days—stranger things have happened, right? Then my reliable guilt mechanism kicked in: how unfair was it of me to expect B to do all the living for both of us? Putting our new house together, running all of the annoying errands and taking care of every little task by himself...I agreed to the outing.

Getting Dressed
Getting dressed was never dangerous before. Sure, I’ve had my bad hair days and times when I couldn’t put together an outfit that clicked, but never before has looking in the mirror induced stomach-clenching anguish—it’s enough to send me back to bed, when it took mighty resolve to drag myself from the embrace of the warm, dark covers in the first place. Getting dressed now involves binding my chest with two long ace bandages wrapped around multiple times and secured with metal fasteners, then squeezing a too-tight sports bra over top of that, effectively squelching the life (and milk) out of my heavy, swollen breasts. It’s very much like having on a corset, I imagine—hard to take in a full breath — and when I unwrap myself for a shower, I can see where the binding has imprinted deep grooves into my skin. It’s painful enough to bring tears to my eyes, but necessary. My milk has come in, and the tight binding is the only way to discourage it from sticking around. I see milky drops seeping through the bandages, and I feel such rage and sorrow that it nearly knocks me off my feet.I have no choice but to put on a maternity top, since there’s not a single piece of regular clothing that fits. Even B’s shirts stretch and pull over what’s left of my pregnancy belly. There’s no escaping what I look like, which is a very pregnant woman. There’s no escaping the reality, which is that I’m not. On some level, I recognize that I want to be at my worst right now, my weakest and ugliest and absolute worst, to echo the way my soul feelsMaybe I should cover all of the mirrors in the house. I am, after all, sitting shiva in my own way. I recall that mirrors are covered in a house of mourning to allow those grieving to focus on their lost loved ones rather than themselves. Seems like a good idea—believe me, there’s no one I’d rather focus on less at the moment than myself, and yet there’s no escaping me.

My heart rate accelerates, my hands shake, I'm nauseated and quaky. I feel physical pain at the thought of leaving our house. I fear running into someone who doesn’t know that we lost the boys a week ago—someone who might look at my stomach and ask about due dates, about what names we’ve picked out, about nurseries and future plans. Somehow, I climb into the car.

When we arrive at our destination, I carry myself inside the store on leaden feet, stifling the churning feeling in my chest and gut at the thought of seeing someone I know. I manage not to throw up. B grips my hand supportively. We make a few monumental purchases: dish towels, a soap dispenser, sponges. The entire store seems foreign and dangerous. I feel like a crazy person: jumpy, jittery and fearful of the shadowy monsters lurking in the aisles: cribs and changing tables, tiny onesies and stuffed bears. Is this what crystal meth feels like? Crack? Heroine? I’m panicked and trying not to show it. Somehow we make it through the red bulls-eye beacon of shopping without incident.We can’t find the dish drainer we need to fit our sink, though, so it’s next door to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Drainer: check. Our odyssey is almost complete, and I’m still in one piece.We move on to our final stop: Lowes, for face plates to cover the electrical outlets in the kitchen and den that our painter removed. No problem, I start to think—I may actually make it through this. The hardware store holds fewer instruments of torture capable of reducing me to a quivering mess: no strollers, no pacifiers, no diapers—we should be home free. We head for the electronics aisle, where we pause to debate the merits of bisque-colored face plates over white.

Then it happens. Disaster wears a Lowes apron. It appears in the guise of an old man in a plaid flannel shirt and battered jeans. His wrinkled face parts into a broad grin as he shuffles over to us, running one hand through his salt and pepper hair. My heart races. He chuckles and smiles. My heart stops. He points at my belly and asks jovially, “What’s going on in there? One baby, or maybe two?” An itching sensation explodes behind my eyes. My throat burns. I spin on my heels and fling myself down the aisle so that I don’t explode in front of him, shattered into little pieces.

Sweet guy—of course he means well. It’s the kind of question that a few weeks ago would have caused me to beam and say “Actually, it’s three!,” which would inevitably lead to “oh my goodness” and congratulations and comments on whether we knew what we were having ( “Yes, three boys!”) and then the conversations about raising three boys, and wow, weren’t we (lucky, brave, scared, excited…). Those innocent comments used to lift my heart with an unchecked joy at the thought of our family, our own “Team T-Bo” due to arrive within the next few months. Those are conversations I’ll never have again, and the pain is unreal. Now the looks, the questions—they’re unbearable.

Our first outing after the death of our boys? Not so easy.

Next stop: agoraphobia.
Brenna Thibault shares her life with her husband Bruce and two big mutts, Sierra (the store manager) and Liam (the pot-smoking slacker with the beard). She is the mother of Adam, Joseph and Paul, born too early to this world on Sept. 25, 2008. She writes about infertility, child loss and occasionally something REALLY fun on her blog, The Real Bean.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am back in Blogland

It's been a hectic couple of days but I am back. I am however feeling absolutely exhausted. Literally can't keep my eyes open. I think it's mostly due to the Glucophage I have been taking religiously since Friday. Needless to say the tiredness is also accompanied with several trips to the loo (yes, for a number 2) each day until my body gets used to it again. My friend Carli has joined me at the gym and we did a killer workout yesterday. I wanted to die! DH also worked very late last night and I didn't even notice when he got into bed. He has a Clinic to prepare for in April, so he diligently sat and worked through hundreds of files last night.

I have still not heard anything about my pap smear results, but when I phoned again this morning they assured me that if there was anything wrong Dr. F would call me himself. It's been 2 weeks since I had the test and he hasn't called, so I guess I can relax about it.

It's my birthday on Saturday and we are planning to have a braai with the siblings and some of our friends. I also have the 2 sets of parents coming to our house for Sunday lunch. Luckily I have Agnes otherwise I would be working my butt off all weekend.

I begged DH to buy me a beautiful tailored suit that I saw but when he eventually caved and we went to get it, I tried it on and it didn't look as good as on the display. Looked a bit frumpy, so I got a nice winters coat instead. I am actually hoping it will get a bit colder soon, because I love wearing winters clothes.

We also have the internal auditor here tomorrow so we have been preparing all the reports he needs.

For lack of any other interesting news, that is all from me for now..

Friday, March 13, 2009


Finally the weekend has arrived. It has been one hell of a week. I have been working overtime each night these past few days and I am poegaai. I had 2 Cost surveys to do for 2007 & 2008 which split all the running costs within the different departments such as Management, Production, Logistics, Marketing, Admin etc. It was a lot of work, and I am not completely finished, but the rest will have to be done over the weekend.

Rikus is working at the OFM race tonight and at 4:30 tomorrow morning. I am sooo glad I am not the one that has to get up so early. We also have a braai at BIL & SIL's house tomorrow evening and a charity lunch for the Gideon's on Sunday. The Gideon's is an organisation that supplies free bibles to those that don't have bibles. Should be a lovely lunch with my parents and in-laws also attending. The venue and catering is also well-know for good parties/food so I look forward to it.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Also a Mother - A Poem by Mich

It seemed a good day and that everything was fine.
I did my daily dreaming as I was speaking,speaking about the joy of my life.
Too busy to have realized...

And so later that night I could feel that something wasn't right,
and i started to fight.
"Lord please dont pass me by", I said.
I was feeling scared as i sat in bed.
I prayed and sang and moved about
waiting for the hours to bring back the light.

Morning finally arrived, my concern growing stronger.
I could not wait a minute longer.
In the doctors room, i looked at the screen.
I knew then i had lost my dream.
Then the words confirmed: "Im sorry but your baby is dead"

A million thoughts went through my head.
My son, my very first child, didnt even get the chance to live his life.
I only saw his face once then i had to say good bye.
I have to stop myself from asking why.

Now a part of me is gone forever.
I am living with a space, a space that should have been my child.
Now the pain is deep but i need to go on.
I need to be strong as the journey is long.

Some days i smile, others are harder.
But all I'm asking, is that you'll remember.
Remember that I am also, also a mother...

This is a poem I found On the new forum I am on. It so true. My child may be dead, but I am still a mother.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It Sucks

I am upset. OFFICIALLY UPSET. I just saw two things on FB that really upset me. The first is a photo of someone with a child that really makes your heart melt, and it upsets me because I want to be that person. And the second is that someone I know is pregnant but she went skiing in France and fell off the ski's several times. Firstly it made me mad that she is pregnant in the first place. Just yesterday I was absolutely elated when I heard that Ibet is pregnant and I am truly happy for her. Now today I find out about this person and I am engulfed with jealousy, which seems a bit ridiculous doesn't it. But then she goes skiing?? Honestly doesn't she know that falling around in the snow can cause her to lose the baby? And I mean really falling hard, I saw the pictures! Just makes me furious once again that other people are so ignorant and unaware and still their pregnancies turn out to be successful. It sucks big time man!

Feeling Sore

I am feeling very sore and very tired today. Had a good workout yesterday, but today I am feeling the results, and basically I am sitting as still as possible in my chair because every time I move something else aches. Mostly it's my arms, which means I am typing very cautiously. I don't know how I am going to get through today's workout with such a sore body.

I think I definitely ovulated yesterday because I had twinges on my right hand side almost all day and after the session at the gym I saw that I had very stretchy EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucous) with very light spotting. The spotting is gone today but I still have the EWCM. It feels like such a waste to be "losing" this month's egg and just flushing it down the toilet when AF arrives. These next five months better go by fast.

Other than that I don't really have much to report on. Just glad DH will be back tonight because I am starting to miss him.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Good news

I just got the best news ever! My friend Ibet is pregnant. She also suffered a first trimester miscarriage and we have been keeping our fingers crossed for them to fall pregnant again. I am so glad for them and I pray that all will go well this time. Please be so kind to also say a prayer for them and the little heart that has to start beating this week..

Our weekend was fairly casual. Saturday Jackie came to visit and we caught up with all the latest news and gossip. Saturday evening Rikus and I went out for dinner and a few cocktails at Coobah. We had a lovely time and just sat there talking for hours. On Sunday my parents had lunch with us and I made nachos for the first time. I think it turned out quite well. I read for a little while and then slept for 4 hours and also missed Idols, so last night I had some trouble sleeping. Rikus has gone to Randfontein and will be back on Wednesday, maybe Thursday. Although I miss him dearly when he is gone, I also enjoy the alone time and I get a lot of things done when he is not there. I also get total control over the remote control and I can sleep in the middle of the bed, so it has it's benefits. I intend to finish my book before he gets back because with him there I don't get a lot of time to read. It's not that he doesn't like the reading, but we usually do almost everything together and then there's no time left for reading.

We watched the movie Stepbrothers on Friday evening and what a load of crap. I really didn't enjoy it. So not worth the money. I am however looking forward to watching "The curious case of Benjamin Button" and "Slamdog Millionare". It's not showing at our Cinemas yet, but I am looking forward to seeing it.

That's about all the news I have and I have been feeling a bit unmotivated to blog lately, so hopefully I will have a better post for you tomorrow.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yay!! It's Friday!

Hi there gals (and guys - if I have any male readers?) Hope you are all in good spirits. It's Friday so I am officially in a good mood today. Month-end is almost at a close and things are slacking down on the workload front, so I am a lot feeling less stressed than 2 days ago. My mom came by the house yesterday with a few baby grows and plastic nappy bags (those you put the dirty nappies into when you throw them away). She is already buying for the new baby (no I am not pregnant, but the baby we will one day have) sort of as a step in faith. We don't always realise how hard it hits our families as well. They lost a grandchild, and they are also going through the grieving process. I have had a few bad moments these last couple of days but I don't want to blog about it, because I don't want this to become a dark and depressed place. This is my happy corner.

I would also like to thank all my readers for commenting, I haven't replied to your comments all that much, because I have been rather busy, but I promise I read all your comments and it touches my heart to know you are all supporting me.

This weekend we are having guests on Saturday for brunch. We usually have a leisurely, casual kind brunch on Saturday mornings, but tomorrow I am going to make fresh baked scones, bacon, fried eggs, and sausages. My friend Jackie is coming to visit and we will do some catching up while her husband has some work to do. They recently moved to Klerksdorp, and he has some business to do at an Accounting firm in town. On Saturday evening my parents will join us for a braai. I recently (2 days ago) decided I feel like a change and bought and hung new curtains and rails in our TV room/lounge and I am curious to hear what they think about it. It cost me a fortune so I hope they like it. I will take some pics over the weekend and post them here so you can see what it looks like.
I am also looking forward to catching up on some reading. I started a new book and it's really a page turner. It's called "Not without my sister" and it's the true story of 3 girls that grew up in a cult and how they were abused, molested, punished and scarred for life, until they made an escape and started their new lives in the outside world. It 's heartbreaking stuff. So I will probably spend much of Sunday in bed with my nose in a book. Hubby will have to entertain himself, but the TV usually does in any case.

Hope you all have a stunning Friday.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am a subscriber to the messages sent out by Joel Osteen's Website each day. Today's messages was very inpiring to me:

God Wants to Make You Laugh

Today's Scripture

"And Sarah said, God has made me to laugh; all who hear will laugh with me" (Genesis 21:6, AMP).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Is there a dream or promise in your heart that seems impossible? Sarah was 90 years old when God gave her a son. After the birth of Isaac, whose name actually means laughter, Sarah was so full of the joy of the Lord that she just had to laugh! What looked impossible with man became possible with God.Whatever your circumstances may be today, God wants to make you laugh. He wants to fill you with joy knowing that He has victory in store for you. Maybe you're sick and you know God has told you you're going to be well. Or you're struggling financially, but God is saying He's going to prosper you. Perhaps your family is pulled apart. God is saying He's going to bring them back together. Don't listen to negative, self-defeating thoughts. Instead, remember the story of Abraham and Sarah. No matter how you may feel, no matter how bad it looks, let out the laugh of faith and just say, "Ha, ha! I've got inside information. I know God has already worked it out. He's already arranged things in my favor. It's just a matter of time before these promises come to pass."

A Prayer for Today
Prayer for Today: Father in Heaven, thank You for working in my life. Thank You for Your joy which is my strength. I trust You have a good plan for me, and I know I can laugh at the days to come. Let my joy be contagious to all who hear me today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Verdict

The doctors appointment was quite straight forward. I was a little anxious when we walked into the waiting room, but once Dr F called us in and started to talk I was feeling a lot better. He said it might have been an infection in the area where I had the bleed during the pregnancy that could have caused the cervix to soften up and dilate. He recommended that we wait at least 3 months (or in other words 3 cycles - my cycles are sometimes a wee bit longer than a month) before we try again. We explained to him that we need to save some money for IF/WHEN I will be on bed rest again and that I need to lose some weight first. If I keep on stacking on the baby weight I will never get back to my old self. So we decided on a 6 month waiting period. I also told him about my decision not to use the BCP, and he said it was fine as long as we use "other" forms of contraception. Can you believe it! We are using contraception...

He also said he wants to put in a stitch the next time I get pregnant at 14 weeks. That will not necessarily prevent pre-term labour, but it will give us some time to try and stop the labour (if it happens again) and it sure as hell will help me relax a bit.

He also did a pap smear and an ultrasound and the uterus looked "healthy" but my ovaries are full of small cysts due to the PCOS, so back onto the Glucophage I go. He says he is not very worried about the Endo because I don't have unbearable discomfort, and he doesn't want to put me through a laparoscopy again.

So now we have to patiently wait on the results of the pap smear.... Have I ever told you how much I hate to wait? I DESPISE IT.

Edited to add: I had a very vivid dream about Hayleigh last night. I dreamt that she was 3 weeks old and that my mother had been looking after her because I couldn't (don't know why).
I begged her to let me hold her and when I looked at her she was sooo sooo beautiful. She clung to my hand for dear life and I held her little body close to mine. I woke up soon afterwards and had this strange feeling. A feeling of immense love for my child and the few moments I got to hold her last night. Consequently the hole in my heart feels bigger than ever today.

Wordless conversation

I sat there looking at my husband as if seeing him for the first time. I kept thinking how could I do this to him? How could I keep on putting him through all this pain, fear and anguish. How could I (my body) be the reason for all this unplanned drama in our lives. This is the last thing I wanted for our marriage. I thought briefly about how happy he could be if he was sitting there in the waiting room with another wife and another baby on the way.
He turned his head towards me suddenly and gave me dashing smile. His eyes so soft and understanding. And then I knew... there was nowhere in the world he would rather be, than right there with me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What makes a Mother?


Please Please Please watch this video... I am officially crying after wondering when the tears would ever come.


I promised to tell you guys about the unusual thing Rikus and I did yesterday. Well, we decided to walk back to the DVD shop to take back the movies we rented. We have a shopping mall/Shoprite centre quite close to our home, but its about a 3 km walk there and back. It was lots of fun and we discussed all the houses and gardens in the neighbourhood as we passed them. On our way back the sun came out and I started to wish we lived a little bit closer because it became very hot in my tracksuit pants. When we came back we had lovely Calamari and Hake lunch and then watered the garden. I planted some very cute flowering shrubs in our flower boxes as well as a few ground cover foliage in the back garden. I was very pleased with myself.
Rikus is out playing cricket tonight and I am relaxing at home.

I also have my 6 weeks post-labour appointment with Dr. F tomorrow. So I need to have a bath tonight to shave my legs. Usually I have a quick shower in the morning and evening, and just bath when I have to shave and in the colder winter months. I deliberately postponed it yesterday so that I could do it tonight, in order to have silky smooth legs tomorrow. Not that Dr. F will be touching/feeling my legs but at least I'll feel good about it.

I will also be having the dreaded pap smear. Please, Dear Lord, let it be normal...

We will also be discussing the plan forwards and what our options are if/when we get pregnant again. I am a bit scared, because I don't want any bad news. I am ITCHING to start trying again so it's going to take a lot of self control not to climb into the TTC saddle again until at least 6 cycles have passed.

The Stock Take today went so well I am actually fearing something terrible might happen, because it has never gone this well. Hopefully tomorrow we can finish up be done with yet another Month-end.


Okay so Saturday evening DH and I decided we feel like a movie, so off we went to the dvd stoor and took the first new release that was available on the rack without really considering what it was about. Well we were blown away....

The movie is called FIREPROOF. It's a Christian movie about a fireman whose marriage is falling apart. In short his dad sends him a book in the mail which is called the Love Dare. He then has to perform all the tasks in the love dare book over a period of 40 days. It saves his marriage his soul and the lives of many people. Please go see this movie, I beg you. It will change your life!

A quick Hello

Hi there dear readers. This is just a quick hello to say Good Morning to you all. I am currently very very busy with our stock take so there is no time for long posts. I had a pleasant weekend and got lots of things done. I really need to tell you all about the WONDERFUL movie we watched on Saturday night. BRILLIANT! Watch this space tomorrow (or maybe tonight depending on what time I get home) for an update. We also did something quite unusual yesterday and I really want to tell you about it, so I'll be back...