Thursday, February 19, 2009


I saw this meme on Heather's blog and couldn't resist. It's a few questions about you and your other half and it seemed fun, so here goes:

What are your middle names?
I have a double barrel name, Mandy-Leigh, and Rikus' names are actually Hedrikus Johannes Jakobus. (Yeah, I know, I would never do that to my child!)

How long have you been together?
4 years - Dated for 2 years, married for 2 years

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About a week. I was doing an audit on our church's books and a friend mentioned that he would like to introduce us to each other. We met the following week at a care group meeting. And we started dating abot a week afterwards.

Who asked whom out?
He asked me out, but I was flirting big time, so he had to succumb to my irresistability...

How old are each of you?
We were both born in 1980, so we both turn 29 this year.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Mine, I guess. We see his brothers at family gatherings, but we are a alot closer to my family. My brother recently moved, and they now live 600 km away, but we see them every weekend that they come to visit.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Sometimes work and finances - he doesn't always agree that I really really need that pair of shoes!

Did you go to the same school?
No, luckily not. I think if we did, we never would have got married... I was a nice, geeky, well behaved academically driven student. Rikus, as I can gather, was not into girls like me back then..

Are you from the same home town?

Who is smarter?
Me of course!!! Or rather I like to think so.

Who is the most sensitive?
Me of course - wish it wasn't, but it's true.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We love Ocean Basket - go there at least twice a month. They even know us by name there.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Durban - Rikus travels alot for work, but I usually stay at home.

Who has the craziest exes?
He definitely has the craziest exes - really, what the hell was he thinking???

Who has the worst temper?
Unfortunately I do - Rikus never fights, he drives me crazy when he always stays cool, calm and collected.

Who does the cooking?
Our maid Agnes, but before we had an Agnes, I used to do it.

Who is the neat-freak?
We both are fairly neat and perfectionistic. Rikus absolutely hates it when I use up all the towels in the bathroom, this is the one thing that drives him nuts!

Who is more stubborn?
I am. I never give up. Never!!

Who hogs the bed?
I do, he sometimes wakes me up to demand that I move over, but within five minutes I am lying in the middle again..

Who wakes up earlier?
I do. Rikus is NOT a morning person. He wakes up at 7am, showers, shaves, and is at work at 7:30am. I, on the other hand snooze the alarm from 5am until 6:30am when I eventually get up.

Who is more jealous?
Definitely me, but he rarely does anything to cause jealousy.

How long did it take to get serious?
About 2 minutes..

Who eats more?
He does, and he doesn't put on any weight. Life is so unfair sometimes.

Who does the laundry?

Who's better with the computer?
I am. I sit in front of this thing for eight hours each day, I would hope I am fairly good at it.

Who drives when you are together?
He does.

So there you have it.

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