Monday, April 20, 2009

Spilling the beans

Okay, okay I have kept you in suspense for long enough so here it is:

1. We are TTC'ing. Yes, I know I haven't had 3 AF's, but it kind of just happened, and DH is very very excited. It's amazing how my husband has changed since Hayleigh was born. He cannot wait for me to be pregnant again. I think the whole pregnancy thing wasn't real to him until he saw Hayleigh. He had a little "Aha" moment and now he wants a baby very badly. So when we went to Sun City I was on CD12 and we have been doing the baby dance non stop this whole week. I am telling you guys we didn't even have so much sex on our honeymoon! I was going to keep it quiet until we get a BFP, even if it takes forever, but in true IF style I also need some TTC support and I was dying to tell someone. Let's hope for a good outcome. What about the diet plans and waiting 6 months, you might ask? Well DH said to me very sternly one night:" you can worry about your body after we have had children" so needless to say I wasn't going to be invited onto the TTC wagon twice. We should be on CD28 by Sunday so I will keep you all posted. I don't actually have high hopes, but it's still exciting. I am also feeling strangely removed from it all. As though I am talking about someone else...

2. I want to open up my own business. A Baby shop. Selling baby furniture, nursery linen, prams, camp cots, toys, diapers, clothes, the works. There are plans for a new mall in town and it would be great if we could have a spot in there. We don't have a similar shop in Welkom (like a Baby City, Baby Boom, Treehouse or a Toys R us) and all my friends with babies in Welkom, Virginia, Kroonstad, Hennenman, Hoopstad and Bloemhof travel to Bloemfontein for Baby gear.
I have casually mentioned a baby shop to some selected people and everyone I speak to thinks there is a good market for it because people are fed up with poor service at Edgars and Game only has a limited range of basics. My SIL even went to Cape Town to buy her baby furniture and 3 of my recently pregnant friends had to travel to Bloemfontein and JHB for a simple cot and compactum. I was also getting my compactum and shelving from JHB before we decided to cancel the order after the m/c. The new mall will only be opening in Oct 2010, but we need to reserve the shop we want on the building plans soon. I am very very excited and for the first time in my life I really really want to take the risk and just do it.
I just have a little Capital problem, and because we are renting our house, we don't have much to give as security. So we need to draw up a business plan and go see our bank manager.

So there you have it.


  1. Good luck on the TTC thing, that is exciting and scary all bundled into 1 ... crossing fingers, thumbs and toes for you!

    Sounds like a good idea with the baby shop thing! Good luck with the bank manager!!!!

  2. I am so incredibly happy for you and hubby, I suspected that might be one of the secrets, but wasn't going to put unnecessary pressure.

    Owning your own business is one of the most frightening and the most rewarding things you will ever do.

    Good luck. Can't wait to read your updates.


  3. Good luck with the TTC! We are also TTC at the moment. CD28 on Wednesday... Fingers crossed...

    Owning your own business will be fabulous. DH and I have our own business and although stressful, it is really, really rewarding.

    Take care,

    Holly x

  4. WOWEE! I am so happy for you Mands. ;-)

    Your own business is great! You obviosly hate your boss when owning your own business as you dont get paid hourly, but at the end of the day it is sooo rewarding!

    Will be thinking of you this weekend when the end of your cycle arrives! xxx

  5. I am really happy for you!! I hope you are blessed with a BFP very soon, and I hope that your business venture takes off and you become bloody successful!!!

  6. Great news on both points, I really hope and pray that you will be blessed with a BFP very soon. And best wishes with the baby shop :)

    Love Zeu

  7. Dit is baie goeie nuus. Ek sĂȘ ook flip die vet, kry eers al jou kiddies, raak rustig en maak dan 'n plan.
    Die winkel is 'n baie goeie idee. Sterkte met al die beplanning!
    Lovies Elouise

  8. Yahoo!! Baie bly vir jou Mandy! Hou styf duim vas, mens weet nooit...
