I have thought about this post a lot in the last couple of weeks. It seems that some of my readers have some objections to the kind of things I post here. First of all, I would like to say this: If it offends you, don't read it!!!! I have spoken to a few people about this when they have confronted me about my blogposts and then they just reason it away by saying "well, if you put it on the INTERNET it's not private and then you should be careful what you say"
Ladies and gentlemen I have news for you. This is BLOGLAND. If you are not a fellow infertile, or a fellow blogger, don't know blogging etiquette or are just lurking wishing to spy on me then get off my blog. If you don't ever comment or have something good to say then please disappear. This is not a tool for you to read all about my sadness, heartache, fears and private matters regarding my fertility. If you have been referred here by a family member and not by me myself you are not welcome. To the person who gave you this address I can only say you have deeply disappointed me. I trusted you with very sensitive and raw thoughts and feelings and you have made an advertising campaign out of it.
Please feel free to look at my blogging friends' blogs and please realise that we have a friendly, committed little group with integrity, and we use our blogs as a place where we can communicate with each other, write stuff we don't have the guts to say, and use it as a medium to grieve, heal, laugh, bitch, moan, curse and cry "OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE OF REAL LIFE".
Just because this is an Internet site doesn't mean that you can freely comment or judge anything I say in my own personal blog. If I didn't give you this address you would've have known about any of this. I gave it to YOU, not so that you could give it to anyone else. I can very easily make this blog password protected or export it to another address, so please if you wish to read my posts, and then question my thoughts and feelings in real life, DON'T.
I gave this address to AN ELECT FEW (People I love and people I know love me back), and asked them to keep it to themselves, but some people don't understand integrity. Some people think it's a nice conversational tool and give out the address left, right and centre. It is very sad. You have hurt me in ways you will never understand and you have taken something very special to me and corrupted it. You have made my grief and tears public to about everyone I know! This was my little place of sadness and grieving and I trusted you! I should have known this would happen.
I love you for this post girl! That is exactly what my situation was back in the day with the whole FC thing. Someone was offended by what I wrote and took it to heart. I mean, I will do and say what I want and if you dont like it - leave! FULLSTOP.
ReplyDeleteJust ignore them and let them be stupid somewhere else! I LOVE YOUR BLOG and you are entitled to say what you want.
Hi Mandy,
ReplyDeleteDon't even know what to say... I'm not a blogger, partially because I'm useless at anything technological, and I admire you so much for using the space the way you do.
I hope those trolls leave you in peace.
Hi Mands
ReplyDeleteI dont know what the story was or is with you girls blogs being invaded and commented on badly, but just know that the only reason why people talk about you or hate you is because hey want to be like you.
I'm happy you posted this post, so that those who have hurt you can see the depth or the heartache they caused you.
If these people dont know what to say or always have something bad to say then they should just SHUT UP!
Anyway, I hope you are okay and cant wait for your next post.
Hi there Martie, Jahni and Kim and any other followers. Please understand that none of the followers or any of my infertile friends are to blame or have offended me and you are all VERY WELCOME here. It just that some Real life people don't always see this as a sacred place and they don't respect my privacy, because they think this is the internet and nothing is private on the internet. I am not angry at the person/s but I am disappointed because now I have to watch what I say and do on here and that was not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog was to be able to say anything in order to get feelings out that have been bottled up and now it has been advertised that I blog here, so I have to keep a kind of mask on to try and prevent from offending certain people. I will try to ignore the whole thing and still say anything I like, because tis is after all MY BLOG.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouraging support and friendship.
Love you lots
Ug... I'm so frikken slow, I always miss the drama (whine)!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease don't watch what you write, I love the honesty, openess and frankness of your posts.
Here Here Mandy!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's your blog spot. It's your feelings and emotions. It's YOURS! You can say what you want and when you want.
x x x