Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still a no show

Well, AF is still a no show and it is really starting to worry me!!!! So for entertainment's sake I decided to do a poll - Please see the poll in the sidebar and vote for what you think is the most likely scenario. Bare in mind the following facts:
  • I sometimes don't have regular cycles - but have been taking the glucophage which usually helps a lot to straighten them out.
  • I don't have any pms, cramps, or other AF symptoms, yet.
  • I am NOT supposed get be pregnant until June!!!
  • We used condoms every time
  • I was very sure that I had ovulation signs (slight pain on RHS and EWCM)
  • This is the first cycle after the first AF after the labour and D&C - so it's possible to be irregular, but then again that's what I thought last time when the exact same thing happened and it turned out that I was indeed pregnant


  1. Mmmmm.... will do the poll! xxx

  2. POAS, just to be sure.

    If not +, it will bring on AF (did it for me every time!).

    Dink aan jou.
