Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I think AF might be knocking at the door

Yesterday morning as you all know I had a little rant about my blog address doing the rounds between family members near and far, and last night out of NOWHERE I had a good cry. I was perfectly okay one minute and bawling my eyes out the next. Later on when I settled into bed I realised that AF is on her way and that she has sent her tour guide (aka PMS) to clear the path for her. So now we wait patiently, but I already have some slight cramping, so I estimate her ETA to be tonight.

When I woke up this morning DH was sleeping in the guestroom. I asked what he was doing there and he said I snore too loudly for him. Pinocchio your nose is getter bigger by the minute was my only reply.

It's our official Month-end stock take tomorrow so we have to be at work a 5h45. That means I have to get up at 4H45. It's still dark at that time of the morning!! Have I ever told you how much I HATE getting up early? I truly HATE it. If I had to get up for my crying baby it would be totally different story altogehter or like getting up early to leave on holiday, but getting up that early for work is a mortal sin in my household. Well, all this complaining is just going to make it worse, so I better stop now.

I have also started on a new protein diet, and have I told you lately how hungry I am? I can eat a whole large pizza and a 2l coke right now! Martie, I so wish I had your job right now!!!!!! I have only been on the diet for 2 days, and it will get better, but damn I never knew I loved carbs so much. My heart is starting to race and my mouth is staring to water at the mention of food, so let's move on to another subject again.

To all the preggo girls reading my blog, there is a program called "Amazing births" on Zone Reality tomorrow afternoon at 13h45. I will not be tuning in because I will diligently be reading in endless stock figures, and we don't have PVR so I am going to have to miss out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandy

    Sorry about having to get up so early - that sucks :o(
    And yes I do watch amazing births - quite scary actually!! Pity its not on for very long - there are only about 4 episodes
