Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's Sad, Damnit!

I was looking at the preggo room on the new forum just now and a new mommy posted the most gorgeous pics of her twin girls born at 34 weeks. I sat looking at the photo's over and over again with the tears streaming down my face. I also want a baby. I want MY baby. I want her back!! I don't want to have to be pregnant again...

I have asked Melanie if I can post the pics of her babies here on the blog for you all to see and then you will see for yourselves why my heart just broke...

I have also been thinking a lot about posting a photo of Hayleigh here on the blog, but it seems to personal for me to do so. I would love to show you girls what she looked like, but I am also afraid that a dead-baby-photograph might scare some people or that some insensitive assholes (like those people from the previous forum) might make nasty comments. To me she was perfect in every way, but she was still dead, and you can see there is no life in the photo. I don't want people to destroy the memories I have of her, so maybe one day when I'm ready I'll post a pic for you.


  1. Oh Mandy,

    My heart bleeds for you. It's just not fair. There is nothing I can say to make you feel better, just know that you're in my thoughts constantly.


  2. Hi Mandy! I cant imagine how you feel, but m thoughts are with you girl! You know, I would love to see what your angel daughter looks like. I can imagine it is personal, so it is def. your own decision. You can always go into the settings on your blog and change the comments so that you receive a e-mail of the comment and decide if it can get published. So those nasty people can take a hike and end up in your DELETED ITEMS!

    Thinking of you xxx

  3. Hi Mandy,

    I so understand where you are coming from... At this point the only thing you have to hang onto, is the memories of those precious few hours you spent with your beautiful little girl, and anybody will understand that you would want to keep it sacred! There are very insensitive and vengeful people out there, keep yourself protected for as long as you need to!

    In our thoughts and prayers, always


  4. I wish I could hug you right now
    I would also like to see your angel daughter, ande like Martie said you can change your settingso n your blog to avoid nasty comments.

    Anyway, this is something you need to be ready for.

  5. Ai Mandy, I am so sorry. You know I would also love to see your little angel. Melanie's girls are just beautiful. They also brought back my memories from when mine where in NICU. Life is just deeply hard sometimes. Hug from me too.
