Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Weigh In

Starting Weight: 87 kg
Current Wieght: 87 kg
Goal Weight: 70 kg
Progress: 0 kg

As you can see, no progress. Okay, Okay I have to admit I was a very bad girl over the weekend.
On Friday night I had Chinese Take out - I especially ordered the Chop-Suey which is mostly veggies and it was divine, so I ate it all. Then on Saturday I had Tuna salad, but then I cheated by indulging in a flake. Saturday evening was just as bad because I had curry stew and 2 pieces of Cheesecake and wine. Sunday was just as bad. We were invited to a family lunch and I had fish soup, 2 filled pancakes (one with mince and cheese and one with chicken and green peppers), and then for desert I had two chocolate pancakes filled with banana and caramel sauce. I must say I ate the least of everyone at our table, but it was still way too much for someone trying to lose 17kgs. So basically I spoiled all the progress I made in the week. Ah well. today is the start of another week.
I have realised this one thing: that I LOVE food. Almost more than life itself.


  1. Me too!!!

    And when u are on a diet, you tend to think of food more often!!! Weird!!

    Those choc pankakes sound devine!

    Look on the bright side - you didnt pick up! Thats positive! :)

    Good luck for this week Mands!

  2. Mmm, now I'm hungry! I'm also struggling with the diet! Why do I ask do we have to struggle like this???

    Mandy - we are weight buddies, I weight in at 86.3kg and would love to weigh 72kg again - what I weighed when I got married)

  3. Mmmm now I want pancake with banana and chocolate! No wonder youu couldn't resist!
    Good luck Mandy .... am sure you can do it!

  4. I'm going to apologise in advance, I did warn you, and you can still politely tell me to bugger off, but; I'm not going to lecture you. Mands, believe me when I say, there is not a person on the planet that loves food more than I do. I was not always this size and although I can attribute a lot of what I have to good genes, I too was 'larger than life', so to speak. So I'm going to leave you with a little question. Why do you cheat? Because it's nice, or because you need something to beat yourself up about? I promise you once I found the reason for my eating my life changed. I don't feel hard done by, I still have nicies, but I now know what is hunger, what are cravings and what is emotional.

    Again, I'm sorry for being harsh, but I care about you.

  5. Nix, Thank You for the "hrash words". You have made me realise that I need to do some serious introspection. I know I am an emotional eater, and I usually have very good emotional "reasons/excuses" for my over indulgence. But how do I conquer it? What should I do about it? I am aware that I need to work on it, but what is the first step?
